Feature: Capcom’s Business Model is REMASTER REMAKE RECYCLE

Capcom in a recent Q & A stated

 “HD remasters of our catalog hit titles will be one of our key business activities …digital sales created new demand for these titles. For example, overseas download sales of Resident Evil HD Remastered in the past fiscal year were far higher than we expected. It is not a risk but rather the growth of the download sales channel gives users more options. We regard this as growth in opportunities to have allow access for more people to enjoy our games.”

The biggest problem is Capcom is putting a lot of faith in hoping fans remain interested in new remastered versions of games, some which we may want others we want at the wayside never to be seen again. Hopefully the silver lining is the possibility of new IP’s we can really care about and they won’t continue to only remake games that gimmick will run dry quickly.

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Published by rumandapples

Rumandapples incorporates witty and hypnotizing Humor with sarcastic satire involving multiple topics to a almost neurotic pace guaranteed to make you laugh and question the very mind that created such things, creating various videos involving theory, sub culture and crazy bag deep concepts, laced with humor and sarcasm with dry wit and Psychotic usages of speaking. Rumandapples & RoshuGaming, have come together and created a gaming updates/opinion podcast called "Across the Pond" in 2014. The Rumandapples Show was developed in early 2014 and continues to grow in its popularity. Across The Pond was changed to Uncivilized Banter with Roshu returning to the co host seat with Rumandapples. Schedule For Weekly Shows: RAS: (Pre Recorded) Mon. Uncivilized Banter: Fri. (LIVE)

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